As you know, school time is already here. There are lots of requirements that we need to accomplish for them to get accepted into our preferred school. My kid’s school requires a PSA Birth Certificate for her to get enrolled. We do not have it handy yet, but thankfully, we can send it later. So, I immediately applied for one online.
I was able to stumble upon this article from PSA on how to order birth certificates online. If it’s your kid’s kindergarten and it’s their first time going to school, here’s a helpful article that will assist you via the PSA website.
It is easy and does not require you to queue in their main offices. But if you do have time and want to save on the delivery fee, there is an option for self-pick-up as well. You may check the nearest National Bookstore near you via the website.
Here are the step by step on how I order online. Go to and click on the Order Now button.
Next, you may click on the Choose Certificate Type. Here, you have the option of what certificate to get. There are Birth, Marriage, CENOMAR, and Death Certificates available.
FAQs is also located on this page:
Choose the option you prefer and don’t forget to tick on the boxes for these 2 options:
✅I accept the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy
✅I consent to the processing of my personal data in accordance with the Data Privacy Act of 2012
On the next page, it will give you with the list of what to ask so make sure you have these information handy and correctly.
Here are the payment options available:
And in case you want to follow up on your PSA delivery, all you need to do is type in your reference number on the field.
You’ll receive an SMS when you have successfully paid the transaction. All you have to do is what for an update and it’ll be with you in no time.
Nowadays, ordering something will happen in just a snap- including PSA Certificates. For my experience, it was hassle-free as I did not have to go to their main branch. I save some time and effort and attended on my kids’ needs instead.
For more information, you may reach PSA va:
Facebook Page:
PSAHelpline.oh (02)8737-1111
Email Address:
They are open Mondays to Saturdays at 8am – 5pm excluding holidays.